
Past projects

Past/completed projects

Student projects


A CSS for Docbook-XML that facilitates document development. See the project page for details.


FourWins is a popular game for two players. They drop chips into one of seven columns alternating. The player who first places 4 adjacent chips in a row, colum or diagonal wins the game.

The project comprises a C/S Ruby implementation of the FourWins game with a nice GUI. Two or more players can meet on a central DRb game server. While two can play, other may watch their game.

The author, Alexander Piel , plans to further extend the project, e.g. let you play against the computer.

Download FourWins as a Ruby Gem (easy installation).


MoWaon is a multiplayer online strategy game. It is played via a Web interface.

Each player has a moon, you can build spaceships to attack other moons or build defence satellites to defend your moon. Spaceships deployed at a moon will be used for defence, too. Each player gets points and money for destroying enemy spaceships, satellites or for capturing other moons. The player with most points is the coolest player in the whole galaxy.

MoWaon was implemented using Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework. It makes use of advanced features like AJAX and provides RDoc documentation.

The author, Patrick Deuster, might further develop the game, so anyone interested please contact him directly.

Download mowaon.tgz.


A Ruby implementation of the well-known instructive LOGO computer language with a nice, FXRuby 1.4 based GUI, by Christian Kandler

Download rubylogo.tar.gz.

Interne Projekte


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FH-internes Projekt; nähere Informationen auf Anfrage.