Ausgewählte Vorträge
- Einige Grundlagen für kryptographische Algorithmen auf der Basis von Elliptischen Kurven zum Einsatz in tiefst eingebetteten Systemen, Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik IV (Prof. Jörn Steuding), 21. Juni 2007
- Public-Key Kryptographie und Halbgruppen, Universität Hannover, Institut für Theoretische Informatik (Prof. Heribert Vollmer), 12. September 2007
- Fibonacci- und Pseudoprimzahlen, IBM Deutschland Mainz, 4. März 2008
- Moderne Multiprozessorarchitekturen für zahlentheoretische Anwendungen, Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik IV (Prof. Jörn Steuding), 4. Dezember 2008
- Zahlentheoretische Anwendungen der Cell-Architektur, IBM Deutschland Böblingen, 27. März 2009
- Anwendungen von zahlentheoretischen Grundlagen in modernen Automobilen, AAA7-Workshop, Wiesbaden, 21. Januar 2011
- C. Glaßer and S. Reith and H. Vollmer, The complexity of base station positioning in cellular networks, Approximation and Randomized Algorithms in Communication Networks, ICALP Workshops 2000, Proceedings in Informatics 8:167-177, 2000
- Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, Optimal Satisfiability for Propositional Calculi and Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Proceedings 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer Verlag, 2000
- M. Galota, C. Glaßer, S. Reith and H. Vollmer, A polynomial-time approximation scheme for base station positioning in UMTS networks, Proc. Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications, 2001
- E. Böhler, E. Hemaspaandra, S. Reith, H. Vollmer, Equivalence problems for Boolean constraint satisfaction, Proceedings Computer Science Logic (CSL), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2471, 412-426, 2002
- Steffen Reith, On the complexity of Some Equivalence Problems for Propositional Calculi, Proceedings, 28th Symposium, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2747, 2003
- E. Böhler, E. Hemaspaandra, S. Reith, H. Vollmer, The complexity of Boolean constraint isomorphism, Proc. 21st Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2996, 164-175, 2004
- Steffen Reith and Klaus W. Wagner, The Complexity of Problems Defined by Subclasses of Boolean Functions, Proceedings Mathematical Foundation of Informatics (MFI99), World Science Publishing, 2005
- B. Jungk and S. Reith, On FPGA-based implementations of the SHA-3 candidate Grøstl, Proceedings of the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), IEEE, 2010
- Bernhard Jungk, Marc Stoettinger, Jan Gampe, Steffen Reith, and Sorin A. Huss, Side-Channel Resistant AES Architecture Utilizing Randomized Composite Field Representations, IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT'12), 2012
- Arnd Weber, Steffen Reith, Dirk Kuhlmann, Michael Kasper, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Christoph Krauß, Open Source Value Chains for Addressing Security Issues Efficiently, CRE 2018, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Cyber Resilience Technologies, Their Benefits and Measurements, 2018
- Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, Optimal satisfiability for propositional calculi and constraint satisfaction problems, Information and computation, 186:1-19, 2003
- Ulrich Hertrampf and Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, A note on closure properties of logspace MOD classes, Information Processing Letters, 75:91-93, 2000
- Steffen Reith and Klaus W. Wagner, On Boolean lowness and Boolean highness, Computing and combinatorics (Taipei, 1998), 147-156, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1449, Springer, Berlin, 1998
- Elmar Böhler, Steffen Reith, Henning Schnoor and Heribert Vollmer, Simple bases for Boolean co-Clones, Elsevier Information Processing Letters, 96:59-66, 2005
- Christian Glaßer, Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer. The complexity of base station positioning in cellular networks; Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 48(1):1-12, 2005
- Michael Bauland, Elmar Böhler, Nadia Creignou, Steffen Reith, Henning Schnoor and Heribert Vollmer, The Complexity of Problems for Quantified Constraints, Theory Comput. Syst. 47(2): 454-490, 2010
- Elmar Böhler, Nadia Creignou, Matthias Galota, Steffen Reith, Henning Schnoor and Heribert Vollmer, Boolean Circuits as a Data Structure for Boolean Functions: Efficient Algorithms and Hard Problems, Logical Methods in Computer Science 8(3), 2010
- Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, Wer wird Millionär? Komplexitätstheorie: Konzepte und Herausforderungen, c't Magazin für Computertechnik 7/01, Seite 240
- E. Böhler, N. Creignou, S. Reith, H. Vollmer, Playing with Boolean blocks, part I: Post's lattice with applications to complexity theory, ACM SIGACT-Newsletter, 3(4) 38-52, 2003.
- E. Böhler, N. Creignou, S. Reith, H. Vollmer, Playing with Boolean blocks, part II: constraint satisfaction problems, ACM SIGACT-Newsletter, 35(1):22-35, 2004.
- Steffen Reith, Verschlüsselung sensibler ECU-Daten, HANSER automotive - electronics + systems, 2004
- Jan Gampe, Sebastian Flothow, Steffen Reith, Jörn Steuding, Mit dem Computer auf der Jagd nach Zahlen mit großer Teilersumme, 2012
- Weber, A.; Reith, S.; Kasper, M.; Kuhlmann, D.; Seifert, J.-P.; Krauß, C., Sovereignty in information technology. Security, safety and fair market access by openness and control of the supply chain. Karlsruhe, Wiesbaden, Singapur, Darmstadt, Berlin: KIT-ITAS, HS RheinMain, Fraunhofer Singapur/SIT, TU Berlin, 2018 (online)
- Weber, A., Reith, S., Kasper, M. et al. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD,Souveränität und die IT-Wertschöpfungskette, 42(291), 2018.
- Steffen Reith, Kryptoanalytische Untersuchungen zum RSA-Verfahren, Diploma Thesis, 1992
- Steffen Reith, Low- und High-Mengen in der Booleschen Hierarchie, Diploma Thesis, 1996
- Steffen Reith, Generalized Satisfiability Problems, PhD, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, Februar 2001
Technische Berichte:
- Steffen Reith, Die Boolesche Hierarchie, In: H. Vollmer (ed.) Komplexitätstheorie: Maschinen und Operatoren, Seiten 71-83. ISBN 3-89588-821-4, Cuvillier Verlag, Götingen, 1997
- Steffen Reith and Klaus W. Wagner, On High and Low Sets for the Boolean Hierarchy, Technical Report 191, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, Januar 1998
- Steffen Reith and Klaus W. Wagner, On Boolean Lowness and Boolean Highness, Technical Report 195, Institut für Informatik,Universität Würzburg, März 1998
- Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, The Complexity of Computing Optimal Assignments of Generalized Propositional Formulae, Technical Report 196, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, März 1998
- Steffen Reith and Klaus W. Wagner, The Complexity of Problems Defined by Subclasses of Boolean Functions, Technical Report 218, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, Januar 1999
- Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, Optimal Satisfiability for Propositional Calculi and Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Technical Report 251, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, März 2000
- C. Glaßer, Steffen Reith and Heribert Vollmer, The Complexity of Base Station Positioning in Cellular Networks, Technical Report 252, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, März 2000
- Steffen Reith and Klaus W. Wagner, The Complexity of Problems Defined by Boolean Circuits, Technical Report 255, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, März 2000
- M. Galota and C. Glaßer and S. Reith and H. Vollmer, A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Base Station Positioning in UMTS Networks, Technical Report 264, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, 2000
- S. Reith und H. Vollmer, Ist P=NP? Einführung in die Theorie der NP-Vollständigkeit, Technical Report 269, Institut für Informatik, Universität Würzburg, Februar 2001
- Michael Bauland, Elmar Böhler, Nadia Creignou, Steffen Reith, Henning Schnoor, Heribert Vollmer, Quantified constraints: the complexity of decision and counting for bounded alternation; Electronic Colloqium on Computational Complexity, TR05-024, 2005
- Heribert Vollmer, Michael Bauland, Elmar Böhler, Nadia Creignou, Steffen Reith, Henning Schnoor: The Complexity of Problems for Quantified Constraints; Electronic Colloqium on Computational Complexity, TR07-023, 2007
- B. Jungk, S. Reith and J. Apfelbeck, On Optimized FPGA Implementations of the SHA-3 Candidate Grøstl,, 2009
Letzte Änderung: 09.01.24